PATROL OFFICER CQB 02 — Project Gecko
  • Rotenburg
  • Germany

Technical details:


Start on Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 6:00pm.

End on Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 4:00pm.

  • Friday evening includes a two hours theoretical block & Entry admin protocols for students


Course fee: 450€

Rental fee/training gun: 50 €


Area of Rotenburg/Wümme; the exact address will be given after registration

The Course.

The Patrol Officer CQB - or POCQB - is a Law Enforcement CQB course based on Project Gecko’s ITCQB Methodology and is the result of years-long mutual work with Law Enforcement agencies across Europe and abroad.

This is a level 02 program, which serves as a direct follow-up of the previous POCQB 01’s curriculum.

The level two program sets its focus on the accumulation of learned techniques in the previous course in a complex manner within high to low threat contexts. In this course, officers will learn the advanced applications of Limited Penetration and additional procedures which are relevant to law enforcement-related confrontations.

Overview of topics covered:

  • Module 01: Classroom. Concept Refreshment & introduction to the concept of RTR

  • Module 02: Quick practical refreshment of critical skills and techniques from POCQB01

  • Module 03: Cell tactics / room clearing (Cefed / Cofed & Door interaction techniques)

  • Module 04: Cell to team level Deliberate entries

  • Module 05: Three men advanced corridors clearing & mobility techniques ( sections,intersections,etc)

  • Module 06: Cell to team level room to room clearing techniques

  • Module 07: Basic Human control/call outs techniques

  • Module 08 : AID Procedure & Self Extract

Topics will be covered with extensive Force on Force simulations for the purpose of validation.

Recommended equipment:

  • Functional clothing

  • Writing tools for taking notes, etc

  • Eye protection ( for FOF, we recommend a full face mask or Google)

  • Knee protection is recommended


DAY 01

  • 18:00 – 20:00 (Theory class )

DAY 02

  • Start: 09:00Hrs

  • Lunch: 12:30 – 13:30

  • End: 18:00

DAY 03

  • Start: 09:00

  • ARR’s & Certifications: 1530

  • Departure protocol: 1600

*Remark: Short breaks will of course take place between the course modules.
