• Rotenburg

Technical info.

  • Start on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 10:00am.

    End on Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 5:00pm.

  • Location: Vicinity Of Rotenburg Wumme, (North Germany)

  • The exact location will be sent after registration

  • Price: 950 euro

  • *Price of rental equipment for Force on Force and dry training: 100 euro

This course is eligible only to Active / Former Military, Law enforcement as well as vetted security personnel.

TIP: feel free to contact us if you are looking for a local pension / hotel.


This course is an intensive, hands-on CQB course that takes place over 5 days. The course purpose is oriented around Students, which will attend this course, will go from basic to complex topics in either solo, cell, or team level capacities.

The ITCQB WEEK is a basic to advanced program, known for its in depth, intensive training of resistance, high threat-based CQB. get your learning on, this is an intensive, full of Force on Force week!!

This course is based on Project Gecko’s ITCQB system, Oriented around the hybrid, multipurpose application of Limited Penetration room clearing techniques, this course is expressly set to focus on the high threat, resistance-based CQB.

Topics of this course will range from basic to advanced topics.

During this course, we will cover Weapon flow and Friendly fire prevention in confined spaces, Solo to Cell tactics, as well as theoretical material regarding tactics, the ITCQB concept, CQB environment as well as human behavior. From a more advanced perspective, Students will learned a variety of room clearing speeds, team level as well as multi team room clearing in both Default to deliberate contexts. Additionally, intersections, different types of corridors and room to room topics will be covered. This is just the tip, of an intensive week, from solo to team level.

what is it exactly?

The Immediate Threat CQB or - ITCQB Methodology - is a high threat close quarters combat-oriented methodology, which provides Military, Law Enforcement or security organizations with a relevant framework of methods and techniques, which are associated with a high threat in short proximity. Since 2017, several European Military or Law enforcement organizations have officially chosen Project Gecko methodologies.

The week will include different drills, as well as an high intensity, extended Force on Force validation modules.

Topics overview.

  • Theoretical lessons (room anatomy, human behavior, attack formations, incidents review, etc.)

  • Weapon handling in compressed environments (handgun/rifle)

  • Weapon flow

  • Friendly fire prevention concepts

  • Solo room clearing/ internal structure clearing

  • Cell room clearing tactics / structure clearing & approach concepts

  • Team to element level room-clearing tactics/structure clearing & approach

  • Self-extract

  • Room to room

  • Default to deliberate room clearing concepts

  • and much more…

*Topics are intentionally roughly described due to OPSEC. (for detailed questions, please inquire HERE). For more information, visit the flyer above.


All training modules will be summarized and validated through an excessive Force on Force as well as role-playing simulations for the purpose of conditioning as well as validating all learned material.


  • The 5-day long course will take place in our new CQB site

  • The facility offers an advanced structure, real room setups as well as plenty of furniture.

  • The facility is just outside of Rotenburg Wumme, Germany.


Additionally, breaks will be included and communicated via PG staff. Aside of the first day, each day begins at 0900Hrs and ends in the late evening hours, depends on the day and modules.

Be advised: This week is intensive, and packed with information!

  • Day 01: Will start at 1000Hrsin the morning, and will be over at 1900Hrs.

  • Day 02: 0900Hrs - 1900Hrs

  • Day 03: 0900Hrs - 1830Hrs

  • Day 04: 0900Hrs - 1830Hrs

  • Day 05: 0900Hrs - 1700Hrs, 1800Hrs departure after certification

Remark: the finish of days 01 - 04, can be extended depending on the class level. Project Gecko aims to give the student as much as possible and as much as the student can receive.

The ITCQB methodology of Project Gecko is based on our field experience in the Israeli military, influenced by science and driven by a constantly changing reality of threats. With that being said, we at Project Gecko are committed to teach and develop our CQB system to the highest standards while working along with science-based principles and empirical evidence. Learn more about our methodology here