Some impressions from our Air Assault course which ended today.
The course was a real success. We pushed the individuals beyond their limits while maintaining high standards of safety.
We started with theory in SELECTION's class room and from there continued to a dry training in a climbing hall where the students gained experience with the rope and some confidence with different heights.
On the second day for the course we used the EC120 and went through the principles of Infils & Exfils. We worked with the students on how to setup LZs, what are the considerations, etc. It was a demanding and intensive training that included a lot of movement and communication.
In the following days we focused on fast roping and performed more than 25 fast roping drills from different heights and with their full load out. In addition, Tim Cranton of Paramed CZ took the students through the basics of medical care and evacuation in or around helicopters.
We thank everyone for the support. Special thanks to our partners from HARD TASK who stepped into this project together with PG. You guys are awesome!
Stay tuned for more information regarding the next AA course !